Thursday, October 9, 2008

Long Distance Retrieve

We got a package from Ugly Dog Hunting Company today! Among other things (including two very high quality leads for the price) we got a couple of these puppy sized retrieving dummies. Here is her first go at it. I need to read that chapter again, but I believe there's part of the transaction she's a little iffy on...


Anonymous said...

I think that dummy is hers!! and don't you forget it.Peg

Delilah and Rocket said...

Go Winnie go!!! That's your 'bird'.

You're our first wirey friend! We've added you to our bloggery buddies list.

Look forward to hearing all about your adventures.

hwvizsla said...

oh god...I am so laughing!!! Thats what ya get for buying her such a cool dummy! LOL

Laila said...

Did you tell your dad that he forgot the treats? You need to teach him the Vizsla rules. No treat? No dummy.