I have been wanting to see if I can get Winnie on the kayak with me. You might remember the exercise on the lawn using the clicker that went pretty well. I did a float trip on my own today, and Sandy picked me up at the take out point. I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to try Winnie on the kayak!

We used the boat ramp at Brunswick because it's on the C&O Canal, nice and shallow, no mud and very little current. First step: see if she'll get in at the ramp. So far, so good!

Nice and easy...atta girl...

Sandy and I were both surprised to get this far, but she was doing great!

Well, pushing her around on a kayak is no fun. Time to see if we can both try it!

Winnie: "You're not doing what I
think you're doing, are you?"

Winnie planning her escape route.

Hey, look at us! QUICKTAKEAPICTURE!!!

Ed: "I can't believe this is working."
Sandy: "I can't believe this is working."

Winnie: "What's that??"

"I think I can reach it!"
(There is a scene missing here, when Winnie went overboard. Head first, because her ass end was still in the boat. I watched her go under, then when she came up I grabbed her collar and helped her back onto the boat. A few important things here - when she was in the water, her reaction was to come back to the boat, rather than to shore. I wondered if this would be the case. Secondly, by putting my left leg off the left side of the boat, I was able to drag her while she climbed onto the right side of the boat without tipping. I wondered about this too, and was very pleased to get her in the boat without getting a bath.)
Back in business! Note only one of us is wet here.

Well this little test run just could not have gone better! What a good girl!!!