Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Winnie Relative

This sweet dog is named Rudi, and is a half brother to Winnie and about the same age (though a little younger in this photo). Rudi is from England which means, unlike Winnie, he probably prefers his beer room temperature.

Thanks to Rachel from Moricroft for the great photo of Rudi!


Charlie said...

Hi Winnie and Rudy! Wow - you get to do proper gundog stuff. I am just a squirrel hound as my folks haven't got any quail in their back yard. When they read the book saying you needed birds to dizzy to teach the hunt they pretty much gave up as they only have a teensy back yard. I'll keep a close eye on your exploits and hope to see you turn into a true hunter!

The Oceanside Animals said...

I'm really enjoying the parade of wirehairs -- we don't see them too much out here!